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Decisive Moment. The History of Ukraine's Independence in Legendary Photographs

Код товару: 142632

Автор: Efrem Lukatsky

Видавництво: Саміт-Книга
Код товару: 142632
4000 грн

0 людей додали у Вишлист

Скоро у продажу
Дата надходження поки не відома

Автор: Efrem Lukatsky

Видавництво: Саміт-Книга





Опис книги Decisive Moment. The History of Ukraine's Independence in Legendary Photographs

The reader is presented with a photo album from one of the most well-known Ukrainian photo correspondents - Efrem Lukatsky, who for three decades has worked in some of the hottest spots on the planet, taking photographs for the Associated Press agency. Photos of significant events in Ukraine and the world, shots with a social aspect are supported by the author’s own reminiscences and impressions. Human memory is not a long-lasting substance and is subjective, while the camera’s lens shows the world as it is, in all its controversial diversity.

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